Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

When It’s Difficult, You Can’t Breath, That’s How You Survive.

That’s pretty much the words said in one episode of famous TV series, Grey’s Anatomy. What’s the meaning of this statement ? Isn’t difficult situation that makes us barely breath supposed to crush us down ? Then why it says that it’s the way to survive ? Well, there can be two ways of interpreting this statement.
First, is the easy one. We can see the difficult situation that catches us now as the a lesson and a practice for us in the future. When we’re faced with a difficult situation and we finally make it out by keep holding on or finding the right solution, we’ll become a stronger and smarter people for the future to come. It’s like we’ve already got the strength to face the difficulties that might catch us in the future because we’ve got the practice at present time, we’ve built the strength and willpower from now. Just like a butterfly which has to thrive to get out of its worm forming order to be strong enough to fly all the way using its soft wings. So, next  time we find ourselves in a desperate situation, think positively about how it’ll help us in the future.
Second, is the more complicated one. If at the first one we see the statement in the term of future, in the second one we see it in the term of present time. Study shows that when we find ourselves at the top of one problem and our personal limit, we’ll tend to think smarter, act quicker, hold on longer, become stronger and even be capable of doing something we thought impossible for us to do before. It’s like the depressing situations become motivation for us to find a way to finally get out of it and reach our goal, the depressing situation push us to do beyond our limit. We tend, as what’s been stated before, to act smarter and stronger than before in order to get away from it because it’s so depressing.
For course, it’s not something easy to do. Some of us, when faced with this kind of situation, prefer to give up and surrender. We think it’s the easiest to get out of it. The truth is giving up is never supposed to be an option to get of problem. Because giving up only makes us a loser and the wrong choice will forever haunt us. It’ll give us pressure even more from the regret of not choosing to fight further. Unfortunately, regret always comes at the end and because of that we can’t no longer go back. Even worse, regret doesn’t go away soon and it definitely won’t give us the happy life which we thought would be reached once we gave up. So, when faced with problem, always choose the otherwise, choose to fight and keep working.
Every situation has a way out, even the most difficult that crushes us to ground and tears. Deep down inside, we know there’s a way, there is a right solution to solve this. It’s just sometimes the solution seems to be too far, too difficult, too frightening, too impossible and too wrong. Well, all of those are just our excuses. There’s no solution too far, too difficult, too frightening, too impossible and too wrong if we’re committed to it and do it right. The process of doing it won’t be easy, but again, we’ll find our problem as the one to give us strength to do it. For instance, a couple who are separated but love each other will gave the strength to hold on to their love no matter how much the pain and the suffering because they know that someday they can reunited and the way to reach that goal is by keep holding on. The strength to keep holding on is given by the pain that might already reach the limit of each other. Another thing is a woman who kept sadness because of the death of her lover finally let go of him. The strength to let go of it is given by sorrow that she can barely take anymore so that she can live a peaceful life. Letting go doesn’t always mean surrender and lose. The difference relies on the result. Letting go as the solution, like the example, will lead to happiness, peace and calm. While letting go to surrender leads to regret and unhappy life. So, think further to the result before letting something go.
In the book called “The Art of Racing In The Rain”, one character named Denny, fought until the end to get the custody of his daughter. The situation was never nice to him. He had to sell his house and moved to a small apartment in order to pay for a lawyer. At the point where he thought he no longer had choice and almost gave up, he finally went back up and got the strength to continue until the end when he finally got the custody and his dream. We see that at the point where he’s most pressed, he found a greater strength to keep fighting and holding on to get what he wants. A strength that got him out of the situation, a strength greater than before that he finally got away from the difficulty. We also can see that if he chose to give up at that point, he would live the rest of his life regretting that he couldn’t get the custody only because he was too weak. So, never choose to give up, look those situation where we can barely breathe as the key for us to get out of it, to survive. Remember, when it’s difficult, you can’t breathe, that’s how you survive.                

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